0412 496 735


322-328 Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah QLD

Migration Centre of South Australia

Employer Sponsored Migration

To be eligible to apply for this type of visas you should be nominated by an approved employer and your qualification, skills and experience as well as your level of English language ability and age should meet the prescribed requirement.

Currently there are several visas available;

  • SC 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa in the following three streams: 
    - Short-term stream – for employers to source genuine temporary overseas skilled workers in occupations included on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for a maximum of two years (or up to four years if an international trade obligation applies)
    - Medium-term stream – for employers to source highly skilled overseas workers to fill medium-term critical skills in occupations included on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) for up to four years, with eligibility to apply for permanent residence after three years
    - Labour Agreement stream  - for exceptional cases where standard visa programs are not available and there is a demonstrated need that cannot be met in the Australian labour market.
  • SC 186 Employer Nomination visa gives you a permanent residency.

 SC 186  visa also has several streams that were designed to suit the applicants’ different abilities and needs.

The Temporary Skilled Shortage (TSS) visa SC 482 has abolished and replaced the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) in order to support businesses in addressing genuine skill shortages.

This reform included significant reduction in the number of occupations available under this program as well as changes in the requirements for previous work experience, English language proficiency, training benchmarks and labour market testing etc. 

Implementation of the reforms began on 19 April 2017  and was completed by March 2018.


We are happy to see you at our initial consultation to discuss your case in detail and assist you with the best solution possible.