0412 496 735


322-328 Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah QLD

Migration Centre of South Australia

Department for Communities and Social Inclusion

The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) helps people who, through circumstance, may be struggling financially, at risk of harm, or isolated. Being included in our community is a fundamental thing we all need to build a better life. Communities have a huge impact on our daily lives, influencing our access to services and opportunities, our health, safety and wellbeing. Many of us have good support around us, but, sadly, too many of us, don’t.

DCSI consists of Housing SA, Disability SA, Disability and Domiciliary Care Services and Youth Justice. The department brings together a range of services and policies designed to support vulnerable people and to help build resilient communities. We are committed to working together and with others to make South Australia a place of opportunity for all.


Multicultural SA is part of the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion.



Multicultural SA is the agency responsible for advising the Government on all matters relating to multicultural and ethnic affairs in South Australia. Their vision is to achieve an open, inclusive, cohesive and equitable multicultural society, where cultural, linguistic, religious and productive diversity is understood, valued and supported.
The Minister for Multicultural Affairs is the Hon Jennifer Rankine MP.

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