0412 496 735


322-328 Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah QLD

Migration Centre of South Australia

Community Centres


Community Centres SA Incorporated is the peak body for Community and Neighbourhood Centres across South Australia. Established in 1983 as Community and Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association, Community Centres SA acts as a catalyst for community development through the provision of services, support, advice, advocacy and professional development opportunities, working with members on a statewide basis. Community Centres SA is a proud member of the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA), representing 1,000 centres nationally.


There are over 100 Community and Neighbourhood Centres across South Australia.
Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses provide a range of programs and services that integrate community development and adult learning. They respond to individual and community needs by providing opportunities for social interaction and learning – all offered in a caring, supportive and very friendly environment.


In particular Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses


  • provide life-skills, health, recreation and education programs which build skills and knowledge for life and work
  • encourage self-development and personal growth through involvement with others and engagement in activities
  • volunteering opportunities which build confidence, job skills and a sense of belonging and well-being
  • provide information, resources and referral services to other community and government organisations
  • encourage preventative health practices
  • promote social inclusion and celebrate diversity

Community services offer the following activities:


  • Languages Conversations
  • Dance, Drama& Music
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Writing & Poetry
  • Book Clubs
  • Public Speaking
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Games
  • Children’s Activities
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Social

Find your Community Centre

South Australia is home to people from more than 200 culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse backgrounds.

Local Government areas with significant proportions of overseas-born include:

Charles Sturt
Norwood, Payneham and St Peters
Port Adelaide Enfield
Tea Tree Gully
West Torrens

More information:

Multicultural SA
SA Community
Community Centres SA